Why You Should Join Engineering

There are various professional courses in India like Retail, Banking, Insurance, Sales, General Sales, Customer Relations, Tourism, Real Estate but the scope of engineering is very vast. Students always confused about the scope, salary package and employment of the engineers. Students always think why they should join engineering. There are different core engineering branches like Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics Engineering. Malabar College of Engineering and Technology brings to the world of Engineering education, a standard of excellence that reflects its global vision. We are one of the top engineering college in thrissur, kerala.
In this article, you will get to know about the reasons which will prove that engineering is the best options for students.
Let us read about the reasons Why you should join engineering:
1. Engineering Degrees are Valuable/Studying engineering brings prestige:
There are many professional courses which students can pursue after their schooling like Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Science, Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Bachelor of Commerce etc. But join engineering always brings prestige among people. Everyone knows how much effort needed to become a successful engineer.
Every student must know the importance of having engineering degree as it will make them stand apart from other professionals.
2. Engineers are always ready for any problem:
In engineering, focus is not only on the academics but also to prepare students for the real world problem. During the course students learn about the various strategies on how to tackle any problem.
Generally, they can find the solution of any problem without consuming much time. It doesn’t matter how big problem is, engineers always find a suitable way to solve the problem.
Engineers always ready to accept any challenging problem and don’t stop thinking about the problem till they find any way to solve that problem.
3. Engineers have skills which they can apply anywhere:
The most important skill which engineers have is creative thinking. It means finding new ways of applying the existing knowledge to solve any problem. To design a new product ranging from batteries to generators, hard disk to pen drive, car to robotic car involve a lot of creativity. With the help of their problem solving skills engineers can tackle any problem.
4. Making a difference/Exploring the world/ Engineers get a chance to improve the world:
Engineers always try to change the world with their conceptual thinking. We all know about the size of first computer which need a space equal to a room. It is the effort of engineers who make it possible to reduce the size of that big computer to a 10.1 inch laptop which you can easily carry anywhere.
Exploring the world :
We can reach anywhere in the word in a very less time because of the invention of aeroplanes. With the help of the Google map we can easily travel from one place to another without even knowing the way.
Engineers get a chance to improve the world :-
There are many such examples which make our life so simple. If you are an engineer then you must be ready to get more chances improve the world
5. Employability / Job satisfaction/ good salary:
Engineers are very good in creative thinking, problem solving, working in a team which helps them to find a job easily. Most of the engineers are always satisfied with their job as they get change to apply their creative thinking in the project.
Good salary :
People having engineering degree earn almost 20% more than simply graduate person. They can also expect to earn a lot than other graduates in their career. Their job also provides them the financial security. Engineers generally start their job with a salary package of 3 lakhs per annum. For engineers, there is no limit of the salary. We are aware with the fact that the salary of CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai is nearly 1200 crores per year.
6. Business is Impossible without Engineers:
All aspects of engineering are necessary for business. Without engineer there would no network connection, no computer and no mobile. How can someone manage to connect with other person who is living in other country or sitting at other place? How can someone tell people about their products and convince them to use their product? Now, it is impossible to start any business without engineering. Every company required technology to setup their business.
Suppose you are in an international business and having all the required things. Just suppose there is no internet banking facility. It becomes very difficult to run you business without money as in today’s fast world every things need to be done quickly or on demand.