Sports Day & numerous competitions are held each curriculum. College Teams had indulged in several inter collegiate and university stage games and contests and had attained noticeable victories. Sports performs an integral role in inscribing the importance of obedience, self-motivation, answerability, accountability, sacrifice and devotion inside the student. These impeccable qualities may not be accessed so easily during the long enduring hours of classes but are certain to blossom during the long phase.
The college has maintained its name in the various sports and games events happening across the globe. Wide, well equipped play arenas for sports and games such as football, volleyball and basketball are rendered to built generous talent and general fitness. Shuttle and table tennis are sported with high spirit, in the hostels.
The Sports Department is one which cannot be separated from a student’s life during his college phase as it plays a crucial role in molding the lifestyle of a candidate. The core route is to render services and procedures that encourages growth, advancement that helps to keep their bodies trim and fit at ease.
The Division of Physical Education & Sports constitutes the integral pursuit in the precincts. The department is well armed with the latest framework & Department has adequate exterior arena for outdoor plays.
MCET believes to create a complete strategy that holds support for student education and everlasting rapport. The core priority is offered to the future of our budding students by providing them the right platform to grow from.
MCET endeavors to be superlative at recognizing and liberating fruitful nimble training techniques and formulas by concentrating on quality, solutions that influence our student’s sports curriculum.
What we Intend To Do
Inspirational Guidance – Inspirational speeches, audios and videos that helps to boost the self -confidence of the students Objective Focused Guidelines – Makes the students apt to prove their worthiness by enhancing their confidence a great deal and making them fall under a winning path.
Simple and Perfect Steps are made to be followed by the student.